Whether you’ve already experienced the loss of a tooth, or are currently dealing with a problematic tooth that will soon require extraction, a dental implant can serve as an excellent replacement option.
With an up to 98% success rate, dental implant procedures have been routinely and safely performed by trained professionals for decades. These top-tier implants often last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene care and are the only solution of its kind that contain the same key working components of a natural tooth: the root (implant post) and crown.
Nevertheless, there are several things that every patient preparing for a dental implant surgery should do prior to their appointment in order to ensure a straightforward and successful procedure. This article will discuss these steps in detail.
In the days leading up to your dental implant surgery, make sure to take care of the following.
Adjust Your Schedule to Allow for Rest After Surgery
While many people are well enough to return to their jobs the day following their dental implant surgery, some may feel like they still require a day or two of rest before they can comfortably get back to work. In fact, it’s recommended by most professionals to reserve at least 2-3 days for rest and recovery immediately following dental implant surgery.
Furthermore, patients should ensure that they don’t have any important events marked on their schedules for at least one week following their dental implant surgery, as they will likely still be dealing with some form of post-operative discomfort and limitation.
Stock Up On Nutritional Soft Foods
After your surgery, you may not feel like taking a trip to the grocery store while waiting for the freezing on your mouth to wear off. This is why it’s important to ensure that your kitchen is sufficiently stocked up on the right foods and beverages for your recovery journey.
An appropriate post-dental implant diet includes soft foods such as mashed potatoes and vegetables, yogurt, smoothies, creamy soups and broths and puddings.
While pre-made nutritional shakes are a good option that can provide the right nutrition while you are unable to chew on harder foods, you’ll have to pass on these if you’re unable to drink them without a straw.
Straws should absolutely be avoided as you heal.
Get Adequate Sleep the Day Before Your Appointment
As with any kind of invasive procedure, dental implant surgery will put the body through some degree of stress. This is why ensuring that you get proper rest the night before your procedure will go a long way in allowing for a smooth and stress-free appointment, while also helping to bolster the body’s natural healing response for a quicker recovery.
Discuss Sedation Options With Your Doctor
While dental implant surgery is a highly safe procedure performed only by dental professionals with extensive training (such as our doctors at Downtown Sleep Dentistry & Oral Surgery), it’s still very normal for patients to experience stress and anxiety leading up to the procedure. If you’re feeling particularly anxious about your dental implant surgery, don’t fret.
Sedation dentistry is a specialty at Downtown Sleep Dentistry & Oral Surgery and is available to help make your appointment as relaxing and comfortable as possible. As a judgment-free and compassionate dental clinic, we encourage you to let our team know if you suffer from these anxieties or concerns.
It’s important to avoid eating for 4-12 hours prior to surgery if you are choosing to be sedated for your procedure. Our doctor will provide you with more specific details on the duration of fasting required.
Arrange for a Ride Home
If you are planning to receive I.V. sedation or oral conscious sedation for your dental implant surgery, you’ll need to arrange for someone to pick you up from the dental office and drive you back home.
What to Expect During and After Dental Implant Surgery
When it comes to the placement of a single implant post in a patient with adequate healthy bone present, the procedure may take as little as half an hour. Most patients are quite surprised by the quick duration of their dental implant surgery appointment.
For anywhere from 3-9 months following the surgery, a process of “osseointegration” will take place, which involves the permanent merging of the dental implant with the jaw bone. It is only after this process is complete that the permanent crown (artificial tooth) will finally be ready for placement on top of the abutment and implant. This is the final step that will complete the dental implant procedure.
During the initial couple weeks of healing, it’s completely normal to experience some discomfort and soreness at and around the treated site. There are also likely to be noticeable signs of swelling, redness, and mild bleeding surrounding the post. However, these symptoms will generally cease to persist after about a week.
Be sure to closely follow the care instructions provided by our dentist for an easy and speedy recovery. Getting proper nutrition and plenty of rest is important for recovery, especially during the first week following dental implant surgery.
Reclaim Your Smile and Quality of Life
If you’ve been considering a dental implant procedure to replace a lost tooth, or any other type of oral surgery in Hamilton, our team of experienced dental professionals is here to help.
To book an appointment, call Downtown Sleep Dentistry & Oral Surgery today at 289-272-8696 or contact us here.