Dental crowns come in all different shapes, sizes, and colours. Because they are fitted to your specific tooth, at Downtown Sleep Dentistry we are able to provide you with solutions that best suit your child’s specific needs.

White, or zirconia, dental crowns are a modern alternative to stainless steel crowns. Zirconia crowns are very strong and aesthetically pleasing, however, that is where the benefits end. Aesthetics are very important and as kids’ dentists, we truly understand that! White fillings and crowns are always utilized on front canines and incisors teeth, whereas routinely stainless steel crowns are placed on molars. Based on functionality and longevity, stainless steel crowns will always come out ahead. They are also very cost-effective, being no more expensive than a large filling.

The advantages of white crowns are only their aesthetics. Their downside is twofold: they are more expensive and their passive fit only allows the crown to be cemented onto the tooth.

  1. Cost – This is not an arbitrary cost, as the zirconia crown and the required instruments and materials cost about 10-times that of a stainless steel crown.
  2. Fit – Where stainless steel crowns are crimped to fit the tooth perfectly, zirconia crowns are only cemented onto the tooth. This makes it much more likely that the white crown will debond (or fall out) easier and sooner than expected. Though sticky foods and teeth grinding can cause any crown to come out, however, white crowns can come unstuck much easier. Though we can easily cement a new one to the tooth, this will require an extra trip to the dental office and at least additional costs for new materials each time this is required.

With all of this said, stainless steel crowns are still the workhouse of children’s dentistry. Zirconia crowns can be an acceptable option given the appropriate circumstances. Our team members at Dowtown Sleep Dentistry are happy to speak with parents and guardians about these crowns. We always provide all options when discussing treatment plans so that you can make the best decisions for your child.

To learn more about dental crowns and how they could benefit your child, contact our office to schedule an appointment at 905-528-8959.